Preparing for SM and HM Operations



Before proceeding with the information below, FIRST get your character "straightened out" gear-wise IF you haven't done so already:

SWTOR - Insane Force - Gear Templates

It also would not hurt to establish a Global Cooldown Tier for your character:

SWTOR - Insane Force - The Global Cooldown

Then continue on below . . .

Character Level, Abilities, Gear and Stats

A. Jugg, Powertech or Assassin Tanks:
B. Healers:
C. Damage:
D. Additional Requirements for Hardmode:

While the above additional requirements "might" be good enough for Eternity Vault HM or Karagga's Palace HM - expect to equip better gear and augments for the other operations.

Communications and Parsing

A. Install and Setup Discord: B. Install and Setup Starparse

General Raid Rules and Loot Rules

General Rules
1. Operations leader calls the strategy. At times, the leader may delegate.
2. Tanks in general pull bosses after a "Ready Check".
3. Tanks in general pull mobs when health and resolve are stable.
4. Healers heal and cleanse "smart" people. (Hint!)
5. Damage simply do damage and protect the healers.
6. There will be occaisions where healers AND stealth classes will have to do some stuns or crowd control and some damage as well..

Loot Rules
1. We do not loot until EVERYONE is up.
2. Tank does the looting.
3. ONLY tanks can roll "Need" on regular tank gear.
4. Damage and Heals can roll "Need" on regular Heals and DPS gear.
5. Decorations, mounts, pets, mats, etc., are open rolls.
6. Level 75 Bonus Set Gear Item Rolls:

This page will eventually link to simple guide pages for Karagga's Palace, Eternity Vault, Terror from Beyond and Scum and Villainy.

Operations Cheat Sheets

Toborro's Courtyard SM and HM

Eternity Vault SM and HM

Karagga's Palace SM

Terror From Beyond SM ONLY!

Scum and Villainy SM ONLY!

Dread Fortress SM OP